RSC technology
Thanks to RSC technology, Tecnoalarm systems communicate with the remote programming software via proprietary protocols. Tecnoalarm Remote programming Software can program and constantly supervise the systems connected to it. Here are the principle characteristics of RSC products:
System configuration
The operating parameters of the system can be programmed either locally or remotely via telephone connection, through the software "Remote programming software".
Hardware coherence
Analyzes the devices that make up the system and derives from them a list of information that allows the logical and electrical operating parameters of the system to be checked.
Network analysis
Continuous instrumental control exercised over all the system communication devices. The consistency and correctness of the data interchange Is checked and confirmed.
Beam alignment
The alignment of the infrared rays of the barriers is constantly monitored. The alignment data and the reference values for each beam are shown, based on an average of sample values.
RF Monitor
The performance of the signal to noise ratio of radio devices is monitored continuously. The resulting data and graphs are available locally or remotely using the "Remote programming software".
Functions Monitor
Performs functional analysis of the Bus sensors. Each sensor is shown in an overview that displays the dynamic of the functions and the signal detected.
Alarm photo log
Alarms detected by the Bus sensors are digitized and stored in the form of graphical logs. An analysis of the log allows one to understand the nature of the alarm detected. Event log files The "event log" records every event related to the operation of the system. The events are recorded sequentially, showing the date and time and are classified according to the event: alarm, diagnostic and status.